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Q: When you give him a finger he takes the whole hand?
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Which finger is the ring finger?

The fourth finger of the left hand is tradtionally the 'ring finger' this the finger next to the pinkie on the left hand. Anyway, the ring finger is the finger between your pinkie and middle finger. If you are going to give someone a ring though, make sure you put it on their left hand, ring finger.

What does it look like when the mouse pointer is over a hypertext?

It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.It changes to a little hand with a finger pointing.

What is a symbol for quiet?

One finger over the mouth covering the mouth with the whole hand wild eyed expressions.

What hand and finger one should wear sapphire ring?

Right hand and ring finger :) and I'm not sure if the right hand is the married hand and if it is then put the ring on your left hand but same finger

What are the different hand signs used to represent music notes?

Hand signs used to represent music notes include the open hand for whole notes, the peace sign for half notes, the index finger for quarter notes, and the thumb and index finger for eighth notes.

What is the first finger position to the hand in medical terms?

The finger is distal to the hand.

Which finger for wedding ring if divorced?

Traditionally, he takes it off. Or he can wear it still on his left hand.

What is the strongest finger on your hand?

The Index Finger

What is the center finger on the hand called?

The centre finger is the 'middle finger'.

What is the order of the stars on the hand on hand and stars com?

The sequence is fingers 43512 or ring finger, middle finger, little finger (pinky), thumb, and index finger (pointer finger).

What function does the fourth finger in the work place?

The fourth finger, also known as the ring finger, does not have a specific function at the workplace. It is just like any other finger and is used for general tasks such as typing, gripping objects, and other manual tasks.

Where is the ring finger located?

The ring finger is located between the little and middle finger on each hand. The ring finger is the fourth finger on a human hand and is used to put the wedding ring on.