In the next 100 years, Easter falls on March 27 only once, in 2016.
Easter Sunday last fell on March 29 in 1970. Easter Sunday has previously fallen on this date in the years 1739, 1750, 1807, 1812, 1959 and 1964. Easter Sunday will next fall on March 29 in 2043.
Easter Sunday fell on March 27th in the following years - 1785, 1796, 1842, 1853, 1864, 1910, 1921, 1932 and 2005. Easter Sunday is next due to fall on this date in the year 2016.
Easter Sunday, from 326 A.D., is always one of the 35 dates March 22 to April 25. Therefore, Easter Sunday will never fall on April 27.
The next ten years in which Easter falls on the 27th of March are...2016215721682214222522362304237723882461
Easter falls on March 26th when the ecclesiastical full moon falls on a Saturday, which is the case for the years 1736, 1804, and 1913. This alignment is based on the complex calculation of the date of Easter, which follows a lunar calendar. The next occurrence of Easter on March 26th will be in the year 2160.
For the Western Christian Calendar, Easter falls on March 23rd in 2008. For the Orthodox Christian Calendar, it falls on April 27th. After 2008, the next Easter Sunday on March 23rd will be in 2160. March 23, 2160
Easter Sunday has previously fallen on March 27 in 1785,1796, 1842, 1853, 1864, 1910, 1921, 1932 and 2005. Easter Sunday will next fall on March 27 in 2016.
Easter Sunday will next fall on March 26 in 2062.
Easter Sunday will next fall on March 30 in 2059. Easter Sunday has previously fallen on March 30 in the years 1766, 1823, 1834, 1902, 1975, 1986 and 1997.
Easter Sunday will next fall on March 22 in 2285.
Easter Sunday last fell on March 26th in 1989. Easter Sunday is due to fall on this date again in the year 2062.