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Celebrating Christmas was created in 2005.

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What are the release dates for Your Life - 1999 Celebrating Christmas?

Your Life - 1999 Celebrating Christmas was released on: USA: 2000

What is the name of the baby that was born on Christmas day?

His name was Jesus Christ (christmas is celebrating his birth and Easter is celebrating his death)

How do you add a clause in this sentence. Celebrating Christmas is a big day for my family?

Celebrating Christmas, which is my favorite holiday, is a big day for my family.

Why do you use Christmas decorations?

It shows that you have Christmas spirit and enjoy celebrating it.

What year were Christmas crackers made?

In 2001 celebrating the Christmas event.

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When was Celebrating Life created?

Celebrating Life was created in 2008-03.

Why do people use decorations on Christmas?

It shows that you have Christmas spirit and enjoy celebrating it.

What did Lewis and Clark do on Christmas?

they had a feast and they enjoyed the christmas with families and friends celebrating.

In turkey who is involved when celebrating Christmas?

Only Christians in turkey celebrate christmas.

How long have people been celebrating Christmas?

Christians have been celebratin christmas ever since Jesus died. Other people have been celebrating Christmas since ever since the 1700s.

Why is Easter important to Christmas?

I guess because they are related....Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus and Easter is celebrating the death and resurection (coming back to life) of Jesus.