The next Friday 13 in the calendar year after July 13 2012 is in September 2013.
The next Friday the 13th will be September 13, 2013. The last Friday the 13th happened in July 2012.
the answer to your question is nowthe year of 2018
According to the calender its July 13, 2018
The next year that Friday the 13th lands in June will be 2014.
That would be the next year that ends on a Monday, 2018.
July 13, 1962 was a Friday.
July 28, will next fall on a Friday in 2017.
Friday July 1st 2011 friday July 1st 2016
The next Friday the 13th in August isnt until the year 2021
As of 2011, the next time July 27 will fall on a Friday is in 2012.
There is not 1, but 2 Friday the 13th's next year. Friday, 13 September and Friday, 13 December.