At the time of answering this, in 2013, the next 3 leap years will be 2016, 2020 and 2024.
3 years, as 2012 was the next leap year after 2009.
The next two leap years after 2010 are 2012 and 2016.
Leap years are years that are multiples of 4; the next leap year is 2012.
Leap year is when there is an extra day in the month of February. The next leap years are 2016, 2020 and 2024.
There were 20 leap years from 1929 through 2008. (the next one is 2012):19321936194019441948195219561960196419681972197619801984198819921996200020042008
There are 4 years between every leap year. Correction: There are 4 years between MOST leap years. That's the case 99.25% of the time. For the other 0.75% of the time, there are 8 years between leap years.
Yes, 2008 was a leap year. The next one will be 2012.
The next 4 leap year after 2010 are 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024..........
From 1910 to 2010, there have been 25 leap years. The next one will be 2012.1912191619201924192819321936194019441948195219561960196419681972197619801984198819921996200020042008
There are 3 different answers because of the leap years. this is 7 years with 2 leap years: If the beginning year is a leap year, when the leap year is next year, or the leap year is two years after the beginning year, there will be two leap years in the seven year period, and so the number of days will be 2557. If the beginning year isn't in any of the above catergories, there will only be 2556 days, because of only one leap year. If the beginning year is 3 years before a year that is a multiple of 100, but not a multiple of 400, there will be no leap years. For example, the 7 year period beginning in 2097 has no leap years because 2100 is not a leap year. In that case there will be 365 * 7 = 2555 days.
every 4 years....2012 will be the next leap year.