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when Jesus rose from the dead, and his family and deciples celebrated it until Christianity was officially formed when i went on the christian calender

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Q: When does the first Easter Mass take place on?
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When does the first Easter mass take place?

saturday of easter

When does Easter vigil take place?

the night before Easter. It can start at different times, but usually begins around 10 and ends around midnight on Easter day. It is a beautiful mass.

Where did the first mass in the Philippines take place?

In the shore of Limasawa.

What time of year is the paschal triduum take place?

The Triduum is during Holy Week---the week before Easter. It begins with the Mass of the Lord's supper Thursday night---goes through Good Friday and ends at the Vigil Mass on the Saturday of Easter weekend.

Does a child's baptism have to take place at the Easter vigil?

No, a child does not have to be baptized on Easter unless they would like to be.

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What year did the original Easter take place?

supposed to be 37AD

What year did the Easter rising take place in Ireland?

In 1916.

Did Mexicans make Easter eggs?

Mexicans in Mexico do not celebrate Easter by making Easter eggs. Instead they take a vacation and attend mass and even have a recreation of the "Way of the Cross."

When does the Rio carnival take place?

40 days before Easter.

When was the first mass migration take place on the Santa Fe trail?

The first mass migration was the American Army that invaded Mexico and started the Mexican American War.

Does Easter vigil count as Easter mass?

If you attend a Saturday evening Mass, that counts as fulfilling your Sunday obligation. A Saturday morning or mid-day Mass does not. No, the Mass after dark on Holy Saturday (the Easter Vigil) is Easter "Sunday" Mass and fulfills your obligation. --- Because of the central importance of Easter to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church requires that all Catholics who have made their First Communion receive the Holy Eucharist sometime during the Easter season, which lasts through Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. (They should also take part in the Sacrament of Confession before receiving this Easter communion.) This reception of the Eucharist is a visible sign of our faith and our participation in the Kingdom of God. Of course, we should receive Communion as frequently as possible; this "Easter Duty" is simply the minimum requirement set by the Church.