February 29th, 1944 fell on a Tuesday.
It was a Tuesday.
July 29th 1941 was a Tuesday.
The 29th of February 2028 is on a Tuesday.
3.75% of all years have a Wednesday, February 29. That's about 15.46% of all leap years. February 29 is most likely to fall on a Monday or a Wednesday (15.46%) and least likely to fall on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday (13.40%).
Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.Black Tuesday, the 29th of October 1929.
February 29, 2016 will fall on a Monday.
Saturday, February 29th, 2020
These are some upcoming dates: February 29, 2016 will be a Monday. February 29, 2020 will be a Saturday. February 29, 2024 will be a Thursday. February 29, 2028 will be a Tuesday. February 29, 2032 will be a Sunday.