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Most Christians are Coptic orthodox, some of them are catholic also but the majority is Coptic.

The Coptic Orthodox church in Egypt celebrates Christmas on January 7th of each year.

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Christmas is celebrated on December 25th worldwide.

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Q: When do Christians in Egypt celebrate Christmas day?
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Jesus' birth is celebrated by Christians on Christmas day.

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December 25thAnswer:It depends on the group you are interested in:Moslems don'tJews don'tCoptic Christmas is observed on the 7th day of JanuaryOrthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on or near January 7 in the Gregorian calendarWestern rite Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25

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Why is Christmas celebrated round the world?

Christians who celebrate it, do it to remember and honor the birth of Jesus Christ. They celebrate Christ's birth on Christmas day. He really wasn't born that day though! Non-Christians who celebrate it, do so because it has become a secular tradition based on folklore with roots in paganism (even if they don't know that).

What day do people in Egypt celebrate Christmas?

people in Egypt celerate cristmas on January 7th but i can last for 40 days straight.

Is Christmas important to Christians and why?

Christmas is important to Christians because it is the day Christ (Jesus) was born. Jesus is the main figure in Christianity (which is why it is called CHRIST MAS. Although Christmas is a Christian celebration, a lot of non Christians celebrate it as a secular holiday.

Do Christians celebrate winter solstice?

Not exactly, they celebrate Christmas - but we do not actually know the day/date on which Christ was born and it was convenient for the early church to supplant the pagan winter solstice festival with Christmas.