For the rest of this century, the 1st of February is on a Saturday in 2020, 2025, 2031, 2042, 2048, 2053, 2059, 2070, 2076, 2081, 2087 and 2098.
Not always what you might expect, it ranges between 104 and 106 depending on if it is a leap year and the date of the first Saturday in January. For normal years if Saturday falls on the 1st or 7th January there are 105, on leap years if Saturday falls on the 1st January there are 106 and if it falls on the 7 January there are 105. There are 104 at all other times
April 1st, 2023 falls on a Saturday.
February started on Saturday the 1st.
December 2018
Febuary 1st 1997 was a Saturday.
January 10th
1st February 1969 was a Saturday
February 1st, 1947 fell on a Saturday. The following year it fell on a Sunday.
the 1st september falls on a saturday
"Leap Year" is an entire calendar year with 366 days. An entire year cannot becompressed into a single day.Perhaps you're asking for the next leap year in which the added day ... February 29 ...will fall on Saturday. That will be the year 2020.