Words that can be made from the letters in 'Washington' are:
Some words that you can spell from the word 'horses' are:heherhoehorsehoseohororeroerosesheshoeshoresosore
You can get the word "is".
the words you can spell are: top and pot (not sure about opt but i think it is a word)
The letters can be used to spell the 8 letter word nothings. They also spell the 7 letter words agonist, anoints, atoning, awnings, hosting, nations, nothing, showing, snowing, stoning, stowing, thawing, wanting, washing and wasting.
The letters spell the word rents. They also spell the words stern and terns (a seabird).
Answer: the word for words in Spanish is "palabras."
Those letters will spell the word hibernation.
The letters spell the word fingerprints.
Those letters will spell the word nudism.
The letters spell the word cynic. The letters also can be used to spell the words icy and in.
"ditionary" is not a real "word".
The harder a word is, the harder it is to spell the word. The online website, Spell Zone, gives tips on how to learn to spell even the hardest words.