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Nothing will happen. Any age difference is up to the couple. One year older than the groom is nothing to worry about.

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Q: What will happen if the age of bride is 1 year more than the groom?
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What is the correct phrase Bride to Groom or Bride with Groom?

there are many ways that you could put this. i agree on bride to groom if they were the only choices. the only reason that i say this is because the brides father has to give the bride away to the groom. so i would say bride to groom but other than if there was maybe another choice it would be bride and groom.

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Who are you ? The groom-presumptive ? The parents of the Groom-to- be ? Other relative or friend ? Please specify or I cannot answer your question appropiately .

Is a personal attendant or an usher more important at a wedding?

The personal attendant for the groom would be his best man and he would be more important than the usher. However, for every position in a wedding the job is important. The best man tends to the needs of the groom and helps calm the groom down on the wedding day and the ushers walk women down the aisle (bride's family on the left side and groom's family on the right side.)

DOes Groom buy present for bride?

The groom should buy the bride something that comes from the heart. The perfect gift is a personalized glass card; a love letter if you will - in his own words, telling his bride what it is that he loves about her and why he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. This is a gift that a bride will cherish for a lifetime. Personalize a beautiful glass card from elite glass cards, which will last longer than flowers, cards, jewelry

Is it bad luck for the bride to see the groom in the tuxedo?

No. It's considered bad luck if she sees him in anything other than a tuxedo.

Is it ok for the father of the bride to wear a white suit to his daughter wedding?

It should be the bride that decides the color of the groom; best man; ushers and father's attire. If the groom, best man and ushers are wearing darker suits then the father should as well. No one should be in complete white other than the bride unless the bride decides she wants to be a little different. Although most whites seem white they are not and the bride should be the focal point and not the father.