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Jesus ate His last supper with His Apostles on Passover night and was crucified on Passover Day. The following evening began the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

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Q: What was the religious festival that Jesus had come to jerusleum to celebrate?
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Does celebrating a religious festival make you religious?

a religious festival is a festival that is celebrated only by that religion of which the festival is there for example: Easter the day Jesus died. only christens believe in that.

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they celebrate Jesus birthday

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Why is Easter religious?

Easter is the weekend where all Christians celebrate the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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No, Jesus plays absolutely no role in Judaism.

What does it mean to celebrate Christmas?

There are several possible reasons to celebrate Christmas. It can be a religious observance by which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It can be a good excuse to get together with family members, have an elaborate meal and exchange gifts (all of which can sometimes be worth doing whether you wish to celebrate the birth of Jesus or not). And sometimes you celebrate Christmas just to conform to social expectations.

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What is unique about Christmas is that it is a christian festival to celebrate the day that Jesus was born as a saviour to our earth he who would save us from sin and today we celebrate that day as a sign of respect and to show our love for him.

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Celebrate Recovery is a religious-based recovery program started by a pastor. The program helps people dealing with various problems by introducing them to Jesus.

Why did Simon of Cyrene come to Jerusalem at the time the crucifixion of Jesus?

Simon of Cyrene happened to be in Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. It is not explicitly stated why he was there, but it was likely due to his religious pilgrimage for the Jewish festival of Passover. It was a common practice for Jews to travel to Jerusalem during this time.

Why is Christmas a religious festival?

Christmas is a religious festival because it commemorates the birth of the founder of the Christian Religion - Jesus Christ. It is the second most important religious festival for Christians, after Easter.

What is the religious significance of Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God by Christians. It is a time to celebrate his birth and the promise of salvation that his coming represents. Many Christians also see Christmas as a time to share love, joy, and peace with others, reflecting the message of Jesus' teachings.

What is the difference in the normal festival and a religious festival?

Answer: Normal festival relates to the various custom and culture of different people in the world. Most custom and culture has a religious ingredient as most of them are practise to ward off the unknown out of fear. In other words, most normal festival are the by-product of a religious practice. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The word festival is derived from the word feast. Their are many, many worldly (secular) festivals. These usually celebrate some particular cultural or historical event that is not necessarily connected to religion - eg. When people migrate to another country, they may set aside a special day to remember the customs and culture and of their country of origin. World Expo is a type of festival where all or most countries of the world celebrate and give the world an insight into the ways of their country. Paniyiri is a day set aside by Greeks to celebrate and show us the beauty of the culture. Religious festivals are celebrations are feast days set aside by the Church to remember the birth or death or saints or particular days like Christmas to honour the birth of Jesus, Easter to honour the death of Jesus. There are also feast days to honour the day Jesus ascended into Heaven and yet more days to honour events in the life of The Virgin Mary. Some religious festivals have been "hijacked" by the secular world and celebrated with little or no regard for their religious origins. For example, many people celebrate Saint Patrick's by wearing green clothing and drinking copious amounts of green coloured beer. In many countries people celebrate "Halloween" which is derived from the words Hallowed Evening ( Holy Evening) ie. All Souls Day (30th October), the following day being All Saints' Day which nobody celebrates but the Church.