The festival of Easter is the Christian church's marking of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which occurred at the time of the Jewish festival of Passover.
Another name for the feast of the Resurrection is "Easter".
The Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord, Easter, has been described as the oldest of feasts and the greatest.
The feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is popularly known as "Easter Sunday". It is a movable feast, meaning Easter call fall on any Sunday between March 22 and April 25th in the Roman rite (other Eastern rites have a different range) as the feast follows a lunar calendar.
The passover; the feast of Easter.
On the first Sunday after Easter.
It means "Feast of Flowers" or Easter
30 Minute Meals - 2001 Easter Feast was released on: USA: 3 April 2004
Silly rabbit easter is for kidzz....... the answer to ur is is trickzz cereal
The Easter season is followed by the Pentecost season, which begins on Pentecost Sunday.
In the Roman Catholic faith Holy Thursday is the first day of the Easter Triduum. Easter Triduum is the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday leading up to Easter. That entire week is called Holy Week which is not really regarded as a feast day. Feast days are usually reserved for specific saints.
Easter is the greatest Christian feast. As Australia was founded on a Christian bases culture, it shouldn't be adding too much, but considering the multicultural Australia that we are living in the Feast of Easter (Pascha) brings among the non Christians the name and information about our Lord.
Easter. It is the best feast of Christianity because of the central figure of the religion "Jesus Christ" and his resurrection from the dead.