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Q: What was the date that was declared republic day?
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The 3rd December has been declared by United Nations as the International Day of the Persons with Disabilities.

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Apart from India which countries celebrates its independence day on aug 15?

in addition to India, the Republic of Congo also declared independence (from France) on the 15th of August 1960, and also the Republic of Korea was established on this day in 1948.

When is South Africa independence day?

Somalia celebrates it's Republic Day on the 1st July. This date is when they finally achieved independence from Italy on the !st July 1960. Great Britain had already declared Somalian Independence on the 26th June 1960.

Does china have an Independence Day?

China has been around for many thousands of years. The first Chinese empire, formed from many warring kingdoms, was created in 221 BCE. The exact date is unknown. However, in 1949 The People's Republic of China was born, and October 1st was declared National Day. Therefore, although China does not have a date marking its original creation, it does have a day of national celebration similar to an independence day.

When was the people republic of china declared?

it was in 1567