Today being the 6th of September 2009, then 77 weeks ago was the 16th of March 2008. 77 weeks is 539 days ago. You can use lots of things, like a computer, to take 539 days from the current date. You can do it in a spreadsheet. If you put today's date in one cell, say cell A1, then in another cell you can put a formula to subtract 539 days from it and it will give the result as a date, like this: =A1-539
As today is November 21, the date 46 days ago would have been October 6.
Today's Date - 3.
40 weeks and 4 days ago was approximately 292 days ago. To find the exact date, you would need to subtract 292 days from today's date.
7 weeks and 2 days ago the date was Saturday July 24, 2010
The date 651 days ago was Tuesday, June 24, 2008 (from today April 6 2010).
July 12,2011
As today is January 11, the date 28 weeks and 6 days ago would have been June 23.
Tuesday the 2nd of July 2013 is 77 weeks before Tuesday the 23rd of December 2014.
December 8, 2011
At the date of answering this, the 29th of January 2012, it was 313 days ago.
1520 AD is 491 years ago, as of 2011. To calculate how many years ago something was, use this formula: current year - older date = how many years ago for example: how many years ago was 1934 (older date)? 1934 is the older date, and 2011 is the current date so therefore: 2011-1934=77