55 years ago from 2012 is 1957. So the date 55 years ago from August 17th, 2012 was Saturday, August 17th, 1957.
55 million years ago - Common ancestor of human and lemur 55 million years ago - first lemur
55 years ago
The date 5 years ago today was [current date] - 5 years.
its is 100 years as 55 yrs before christ and 45 yrs after death so just add both dates together.
I don't know if this answers your question, but the Anasazi lived to be about 55, and that was considered old. Some of their weapons date back to 1500 years ago.
1520 AD is 491 years ago, as of 2011. To calculate how many years ago something was, use this formula: current year - older date = how many years ago for example: how many years ago was 1934 (older date)? 1934 is the older date, and 2011 is the current date so therefore: 2011-1934=77
The first primates seem to have emerged about 55 million years ago.
The Intermountain Region lies between the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. The Rocky Mountains formed 80 to 55 million years ago, while the Sierras date back to 250 to 200 million years ago.
The exact date of origin of Buddhism is disputed, but it is agreed that it was about 2500 - 2600 years ago.
Elephants and T-Rex lived around 66 million years apart, as elephants evolved around 55 million years ago, while T-Rex lived around 66 million years ago.
55 Years Before Christ, "BC"