39 years old on 20th October 2010.
You have 3 combinations of 20 and 10. The time is 20:10, the date is the 20th day of the 10th month and the year is 2010.
on the 20th of October
23rd October 2010 is Saturday.
october 20th 09 ok
October 20th
The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special In 3-D On Ice - 2010 TV was released on: USA: 10 January 2010
October 20th. 2009
Adding 90 days to October 20, 2010 gives January 18, 2011.
It is now october 20th
October 20th, 2009
IMDb's 20th Anniversary Star of the Day - 2010 Happy 20th Anniversary IMDb 1-28 was released on: USA: 25 October 2010 (internet)