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10pm-Midnight but only if you're asleep

If pepole are still awake he moves on to other houses. He comes back later but only if you're asleep if not then no Eggs for the rest of your life

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Q: What time does the Easter bunny come at?
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Does the Easter Bunny come in hotels?

Yes the Easter Bunny does come in hotel's Easter Bunny comes where ever you Are. That's is good isn't it!

Did the Easter bunny come from Germany?

The Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Its your parents.

What country does the Easter bunny come from?

It is believed that the Easter bunny came from Germany.

What day does the Easter bunny come in Canada?

The Easter bunny comes Saturday 3rd 20...

When does the Easter bunny come to your house?

Well the Easter Bunny goes around the world like Santa and it will come to your house when its on our side of the world i dont know for shure because the Easter Bunny is the Easter Bunny and it is magical.Or go to a website and check it out!^_^

Does the Easter bunny come in the night when the children are sleeping?

No, the Easter Bunny will only leave Easter eggs when you are asleep.

The Easter bunny hasn't come what do I do?

Next time, you shouldn't do something bad. Ask your parent's from some Easter candy.

Does the Easter Bunny come the night before Easter?

Yes, the Easter bunny then delivers his eggs and usually leaves a basket full of goods.

What time does the Easter Bunny come?

This is one of the Easter Bunny's secrets. The Easter Bunny is known for his marvellous ability to determine when no-one is watching. He comes when you least expect it. This might be in the middle of the night on Easter Day; early on Easter morning; or when you sneak downstairs to have your breakfast. Sometimes he is delayed for various reasons, and arrives late.

Is the Easter bunny a snake?

The Easter Bunny is a Bunny (:

Does the Easter bunny come on Sunday?

In the United States, the Easter bunny comes on Saturday night while children are asleep.

Does the real Easter bunny have a wife?

No. the Easter Bunny does not have a wife because it would be a lot of work for him to take care of his children and work as the Easter Bunny at the same time.