Many areas have set times to trick or treat. You should find out what those hours are for your area and abide by them.
If times have not been set, it is a good idea to stop trick-or-treating by 10 o'clock at the LATEST. At this point, people will be wanting to go to bed, and not have to stay up to give candy to those who come to their doors. Also, try not to stay out too much later after it has begun to get VERY dark, for safety reasons, of course. For younger children, try to aim for earlier times to end because younger children should not be staying out as late and it is more dangerous for them as it gets darker than it is for older children or teenagers.
Trick-or-treating isn't controlled by the government, so there are no set times. Traditionally, trick-or-treating lasts from a little before sunset until about 9 or 10 PM, but the homeowners are free to turn off their lights and stop answering the door at any time.
Trick or Treat is done on Halloween night, October 31st.
normally at 9:oopm ------------------------------------------------------ You choose! Some people trick or treat 'till midnight but it is safe for your kids to stop trick or treating at around 7-9 pm
For the year 2012 - 2013 trick or treating ends at 8:00 and starts at 4:00.
I don't think there is a set age, I've seen fully-grown adults out trick-or-treating. But after a certain time, the owners of the houses might not give you candy. Maybe if you have a really good costume...?
It is never to old to go trick or treating I'm only 11 but I plan on going trick or treating for a very long time. P.S. I have seen a very old person trick or treating before:)HAPPY HALLOWEEN;)
There is no official time for trick-or-treating to start. Usually, the neighborhood would give a set time for when trick-or-treating should start. If not, the usual time is around 6 p.m. when it's late enough so that everyone is home and everyone had time to eat dinner.
There is no trick or treat on Thanksgiving. Trick or treating is for halloween. You can try trick or treating on Thanksgiving, but you might look odd.
The exact time that trick-or-treating starts depends on what community you live in. Some states or communities have special rules stating that trick-or-treating cannot be late. To find out when your community is having trick-or-treating for Halloween, check your local news station around Halloween time.
at night or at day
Trick or treating is always done on October 31.