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Q: What symbols represent rohatsu?
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Related questions

What is Rohatsu and who celebrate?

Buddhists celebrate Rohatsu - the enlightenment of the Buddha. It is also known as Bodhi day :-)

What symbols represent America?

There are no overall symbols that represent America. Though each country has their own national symbols.

Who is the supreme being for rohatsu?

A rohatsu is an intensive 9-day period of meditation in some Zen monasteries. It does not relate to a supreme being one way or the other.

Who celebrates rohatsu and what is it?

It a holiday celebrating buddah. Of course that means that buddhists celebrate it.

What symbols represent strength?

There are many symbols that represent strength in the tattoo world. Some people get the word strength tattooed, some get tarot cards that represent strength. There are also tribal patterns that represent strength as well as ethnic symbols.

What is symbols used for?

Chemical symbols are used to represent elements.

What are convention symbols?

Conventional Symbols are symbols that are used on maps to represent different features.

What do the symbols on the federal parliament's badge represent?

They represent royalthy

What did the symbols in the cuneiform system represent?

They represent syllables or words.

Why you use line symbols to represent river and area symbols to represent ocean?

Rivers are (comparatively) narrow, oceans are wide.

How are symbols used to represent elements in a periodic table?

Symbols are the short forms to represent elements. Each element will have a unique symbol.

What are symbols represent oligarchy?
