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Q: What should you give to your mother that you can make for their anneversery?
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we should give a complete diet like milk of mother to the infant.

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??? when make mother need should be done. that's not a question

What kind of food should you make your mom for Mother's Day?

You should ask your mother! You should make the things that she likes. And be sure an clean up afterwards.

Why is Mother's Day important?

Mother's Day is important because it is the one day of the year when we focus on mothers. Mothers tend to give and give and give to their children and husbands. Mother's Day is a special day when we can give back to them and make them know how special they are and how much they are appreciated.

What to get your girlfriend on your 1 month anneversery?

A great present for a new couple is a dvd, and make her dinner. Make a plan just to stay in and have a great night together. However, I hope she plans wisely. A dictionary would come in handy, seeing how you can't properly spell anniversary. come at me bro.

How do you make gift an adjective?

I am going to give my mother a gift bag for her birthday.

What should you make for Mother's Day breakfast?

breakfast in bed

What can you make for Mother's Day?

you can give your mom a beautiful picture frame made out of Popsicle sticks or you can make a bookmark

Why it is celebrated Mother's Day?

Because Mothers go through a lot of hardships to give birth (and if they are good parents) make a lot of sacrifice and work to raise a child and should be celebrated!

What to do for your mother on her b day if you have no money?

You give her a card and make her some brownies or cookies.

What should you give your mother a gift except a card?

Give her cards that say clean the house for free, or wash the car for free. Make up many of these cards that apply to any time. This is something she can use over time and enjoy.

How do you make a mother smile?

Clean your room, and/or the bathroom should do the trick