

Best Answer

Im twelve too and I know all this stuff :)

  • xbox360 with kinect and just dance 3
  • money
  • makeup
  • i.o.u's
  • gift cards
  • concert tickets
  • room remodels
  • laptop
  • cell phone
  • name brand clothes (i hate clothes I get from savers!)
  • credit card
  • small pet- fish, gerbil, hamster
  • cute jewelry
  • email (if you dont have one)
  • Duct Tape
  • gel pens
  • vera bradley pencil case
  • kipling backpack

hope this helped!

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Q: What should you ask for Christmas if you are an 12 year old girl?
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An eleven year-old should not be dating. You have plently of time for that.

What should you ask your dad for as a big gift for Christmas teenage girl?

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