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Easter is associated with Jesus because it was the day that He rose again from the dead after three days, and came back to life. We call the Friday before Easter Good Friday because it was the day that Jesus died on the cross to save our sins, so we would be able to have eternal life.

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Easter is the holiday associated with the time Jesus was hung on the cross--Good Friday and then rose again from the dead on Easter morning. The holiday is altered to fit our "weekend" but it represents the gift God gave us of the existence of His Son in human flesh. His death shows us that He loved us and His resurrection(coming to life again) shows us that He is the son of God and has fulfilled scripture that He promised us eternal life and a new beginning after we ask for forgiveness of our sins. Easter is the holiday of eternal life that came to us via Jesus.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Easter traditions vary from country to country. In the United States the most common are the Easter Bunny and the giving of sweets. In more Orthodox Christian areas a effigy of Judas Iscariot may be burned.

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11y ago

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

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16y ago

Easter is a commemoration of Christ's resurrection and is a Christian celebration. Some non-Christian aspects of a pagan festival have become mixed in with it but are not Christian in origin.

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8y ago

Catholics, as they celebrate the resurrection of the savior Jesus Christ.

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14y ago

Jesus, rabbits, spring

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Christians celebrate Easter only.

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11y ago


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11y ago

Easter is celebrated by Christians.

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