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The first president who took official notice of Hanukkah was one of the Jewish community's least-favorite occupants of the White House, Jimmy Carter. In 1979, he ended 100 days of self-imposed seclusion over the Iran hostage crisis by walking to Lafayette Park, lighting the new "National Menorah" erected there by Chabad-Lubavitch, and delivering brief remarks.

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12y ago

No U.S. president ever made Hanukkah official. It is not an official holiday in ANY country except Israel.

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What president made Hanukkah offical?

No U.S. president has ever made Hanukkah an official holiday. Only 2% of the population celebrates it, so it would not be warranted.

Who made Hanukkah official?

Hanukkah has never been "made official" by any person.Answer:The above answer is mistaken. Our tradition explicitly states that Hanukkah was instituted by the Torah-sages (Talmud, Shabbat 21b), who were acting in concert with the Hasmoneans.

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No US President has made Halloween an official holiday.

Which president declared Hanukkah a national holiday?

No U.S. president has ever declared Hanukkah a national holiday.

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Theodore Roosevelt was the first to have "The White House" printed on his official stationery.

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There are no special cookies associated with Hanukkah. Any kind of cookies can be seen at Hanukkah parties.

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President George Washington issued the first official government proclamation of Thanksgiving in 1789. President Abraham Lincoln made it a yearly official national holiday in 1863.

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State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.State House is the official residence of the President of Kenya and it is in the capital city, Nairobi.