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In many communities hiding or hanging any commodity or object during seasonal festivity was a cultural practice in antiquity as auspicious good luck and to ward off evil spirits.Preserving food either dry or pickled in oil or salt was a practice to face the hardship in winter months. When spread of Christianity many medieval and practices from antiquity remained as a part of the festivity in Europe,Africa,Asia and remote islands in the pacific specially when the missionaries preached Christianity to convert the pagans.

In Northern China/Russian regions many convert communities who are Christians still hide pickles in Christmas tree as auspicious.

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Q: What nationality hides a pickle in their Christmas tree?
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What kind of glass Christmas ornament has to be found on the Christmas tree to determine who opens the first Christmas gift?

The Pickle

What nationality continued the practice of the Christmas tree?

the pagans/christians

Why put pickle in Christmas tree?

cuz every girl wants a pickel on Christmas

Is it true that a German tradition is that they get a pickle and hide it in their Christmas tree and who ever finds it first gets to open the first gift?

Yes, but often, it is not a real pickle. It is usually a Christmas ornament that looks like a pickle. They are usually made of blown glass.

What do German parents do with a pickle on Christmas Eve?

some people say they hide a pickle ornament in a Christmas tree and if a child finds it they get an extra gift from St.Nick but nobody in Germany had even heard of this tradition.

Why do children in Norway hide a pickle on Christmas?

There are a couple of stories. The most common is that an evil inn keeper stuffed a couple of boys in a pickle barrel. Santa found them and freed them with his magical staff. To celebrate the boys being saved, families hang a glass pickle on the tree. The pickle, being the same color as the tree is hard to find. The first child to find the pickle gets an extra gift from Santa.

Why is the German pickle tradion a pickle?

The pickle tradition is that the parents hide the pickle on the Christmas tree after the family decorates it. Then, the first child to find the pickle receives an extra present or a special treat. Oddly enough when research was done to discover the origin of this tradition in Germany, most all Germans questioned about the tradition had never heard of it.

What traditions were made in Germany?

The traditions that where made in Germany was that everyday on Christmas eve in Germany someone puts a pickle on a tree and whoever finds the pickle first gets to have their gift first.We don't know why but weird.

True or false in Germany many people hang a pickle on their Christmas tree and the first person to find it gets an extra gift?


True or false in Germany many people hang a pickle on there Christmas tree and the 1st person to find it gets an extra gift?


Where did the Christmas pickle start?

it started in Germany Often claimed to be of German origination, it actually started in the USA. It was a special ornament, shaped and colored like a pickle, hidden within the tree. An extra present was given to the first child who found this ornament on Christmas morning. The custom is almost unknown in Germany.

Why do the Germans have a tradition that who ever finds the pickle on the tree first gets to opentheir present first?

The German tradition of hiding a pickle ornament on the Christmas tree is called the Weihnachtsgurke. It is believed to have originated in the late 19th century and is considered a fun holiday game. The first person to find the pickle ornament on the tree gets to open their present first as a way to add excitement and anticipation to the gift-giving tradition.