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Q: What month has no U.S. Holiday?
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Does August have a holiday?

No, August is the only month that doesn't have a national holiday (in the US).

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What is the month long holly holiday in Islam?

There is no month long holiday in Islam. Even the month of Ramadan, that is the month of fasting, it is a working month and a month long holiday.

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What holiday lasts for the month of February?

February is black history month but its not really considered a holiday

What is the a holiday of Islam?

One holiday is the month of Ramadan.

In what month is the US Federal holiday Veterans' Day?

Veterans Day is celebrated on the 11th of November.

What holidays are in the month of May?

May Day is the most common holiday in the month of May. Although this holiday is not widely celebrated, it is still an important holiday with historical significance.

In what month is the us fedaral holiday Labor Day?

In the united States, Labor Day is defined as the first Monday in September.

What month has no federal holiday?


How long is the summer holiday in France?

there is a two-month holiday for schoolchildren in France.

A month in Paris is called?

A month in Paris could be called a holiday, but the translation of month is mois.