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it started on 29 June and Eid was on 28th of July.

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Q: What month does Ramadan start in 2014?
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What month is the projected month Ramadan 2014?

1 Ramadan 1435 AH = 29 June AD 2014

What month is month of fasting in Islam?

Ramadan, which this year (2014) falls roughly in July.

When the ramadan start and end in 2014?

Ramadan starts on Saturday June 28 2014 and ends on Monday evening July 28 2014.

Which month precedented the holy month of Ramadan?

The month before Ramadan is Shaban The month after Ramadan is Shaawal

What is the name of the month that Muslims fast in?

Ramadan is a month of obligatory daily fasting in Islam. It is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar calendar.The month of Ramadan.

How is the strt of the holy month of Ramadan known?

the start of Ramadan is known by the sighting of New Moon.Basically, you cannot predict the exact date at which new month of lunar calender will begin.A new moon declaring the start of any lunar month can be produced after 29 or 30 days so to determine whether the month of Ramadan is started new moon is searched in the sky. Nowadays, group consisting of Scholars and experts looks for the moon and declared the start of Ramadan or Eid.

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What is the 9th month of ramadahm?

the 9th month of Islamic calendar is the month of Ramadan that Muslims are required to fast its days as one of the Islam five pillars. By end of this month, Muslims celebrate a feast called Eid Alftr.

what is the start date for ramadan in ramadan 1997?

Day Monday,Month February and Date 10.

Which is the Month in which Fasting is more preferred after Ramadan?

I know it is the month of Shaaban (the month just before Ramadan)

Which month do Muslims celebrate Ramadan?

Ramadan is the month of fasting, the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar calendar.

What is the English month in the month of Ramadan in the year of 1971?

which english month was ramadan in 1971