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It use to be that live stock was given, to the family.

Or land or a house ( these are mud homes) But if the Groom came from far away then money is given in replacement and equal to the amount of live stock that would have been given.

example 22 cows and 1 bull each cow is $500 the bull is $1500... 20 goats at $100 each, 15 checkens and a rooster $20 for hens $40 for is negotiated during several meetings or over time with the familes, groom and elders or clergy.

If the man loves the women... her value is beyond what he can afford but he should ask that the family help him as he loves her and she loves him and ... so the negotiation goes....

There are many Sudanese familes in countries all around the world now.

The family should be able to help with this info. Some will have to do with family tradition's and tribe tradition's also...

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Q: What kind of gift does groom give the bride's family in Sudan?
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Most brides do not open their gifts at the wedding reception and some brides may have a 'gift opening' at the bride's parent's home. The gifts are piled near her and her maid of honor hands her the gifts; once the gift is opened it is up to the maid of honor to write in each card what that guest gave the bride and groom for a gift.

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The bridesmaid can give the bride a gift on the wedding day. However, sometimes brides will have a bridal shower, and if so, then that is when the present can be given.

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It has been an Asian tradition for the family of the bride to give the groom's family a dowry. A dowry serves as a gift for the groom and his family for marrying a girl. A dowry can be in kind or in monetary form.

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No, you do not have to buy the bride's father a gift, but the groom should buy a nice gift for his bride to be.

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The bride should buy a gift for her Maid of Honor and Brides Maids and if there is a Flower Girl (it could be a piece of jewelry) and the groom buys the Best Man and his ushers a gift which could be a flask (for alcohol); watch; pen set, etc., depending on what the bride and groom can afford.

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The groom can give his best man his gift while they are getting ready for the wedding which is generally at the groom's parent's home or the groom's own home.

When father of groom give gifts to bride and groom?

The father of the bride and groom can give the wedding gift to them the day of the wedding at home or, they can leave the gift on the gift table at the wedding reception. However, if it is of cash value it is better to give the bride and groom the money before the wedding.

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* The groom should give the groomsman (Best Man) a gift. Sometimes the groom may give a flask to put liquor into it; a watch (if they are very close friends) etc.

What scottish gift does a groom give a bride?

A luckenbooth brooch is a traditional gift.

Does the mother of the groom give her son a gift?

It is not written in stone that a mother has to give her daughter a personal gift, but some mothers may have a lovely piece of jewelry that they have had or the piece was given to the mother by her mother and she may want to pass it onto her daughter. The mother and father of bride do give a wedding gift either the day of the wedding at home or, leave the wedding gift at the reception.

Is the check for a wedding gift addressed to both the bride and groom?

It is only proper to write a check that is a wedding gift to both the bride and the groom. Since the wedding is all about them becoming a couple, you wouldn't want to leave one of them out for this occasion.

Who pays for engagement party hostess gifts?

Unless it is the bride and groom putting on their own engagement party then they get the engagement gifts anyway. However, if it is a parent of either side of the family; relative or friend that puts on the part (they are the hostess) you do not give a gift and only need to give the future bride and groom a gift.