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Q: What is the significance of religious festivals to the society?
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What is the importance of festival in Argentina?

Argentina has a large percentage of its population Roman Catholic. Most of the festivals would have a religious significance and an occasion for a holiday and a celebration.

Is there any religious festivals in Turkey?

Yes their are religious festivals in Turkey the Islam celebrate Ramadan

What festivals are there?

There are lots of different festivals like music fesivals and religious festivals.

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Do donuts have a religious meaning or significance?

No. Doughnuts have no Religious significance.

What are the significance of Roman festivals and rituals?

The festivals and rituals were part of the religious beliefs of the ancient Romans. If some god/goddess were credited with a favor or a benefit to the city, they were honored with a festival and certain rituals whose purpose was to insure the god's continuing favor.

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The religious festivals were both religious and recreational. Even the Olympic Games (and other games) were religious festivals.

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What are the significance of festivals to Jews?

The festivals remind us of events in our early history such as the Exodus and the Giving of the Torah.

Are religious festivals just an excuse for a party?

While some religious festivals may involve celebrations and parties, their primary purpose is typically to commemorate and honor a religious event, figure, or tradition. These festivals often hold deep cultural and spiritual significance for those who observe them, providing an opportunity for reflection, worship, and community bonding.

What is the significance of religious schism?

Religious schism encourges creation of groups or sub groups due to disagreement of opinion among religious gurus. This is a dangerous trend which should always be discouraged for religious harmony and peace in the society.