Comply with the plug and play standard
EEPROM or PROM contains the microcode
eeProm or double e prom is a small chip that holds data that can be rewritten or erased by electrical charges.
Flash drives and other forms of flash storage use a special form of PROM called EEPROM. By applying an electric charge to it, data can be written to EEPROM chips.
ROM- read only memory.. types are masked rom, prom, eprom and eeprom.
ROM can be broadly of three types, namely PROM (programmable read only memory), EPROM (erasable PROM), and EEPROM (electrically EPROM). Many versions of EEPROMs are available.
The purpose of a junior prom is to basically have a good time. It allows juniors to have a date and enjoy prom just as much as seniors.
EEPROM (also written E2pROM and pronounced"e-e-prom","double-e prom","e- squared", or simply"e-prom") stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read- Only Memory and is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibration tables or device configuration. Unlike bytes in most other kinds of non- volatile memory, individual bytes in a traditional EEPROM can be independently read, erased, and re-written.
The purpose of a junior prom is to basically have a good time. It allows juniors to have a date and enjoy prom just as much as seniors.
EEPROM stands for
Small in size it contains full electronic circuit within it and also circuit intergrations factors differ from one chip to another