More or less 41.:
Corn, jack, tan, note, Cole coal, clan, Jak, ran, torn, lane, jacket, late, Kate, Nate jerk, ace, lace, case, race, Tran, nark, ark, arc, lack, trek, track, Jane, Jean, take, taken, Jake, cake, ankle, anklet, anal, canal, oak, Jan, Oct., lantern.
If you find anymore please let me know.
for Halloween
Carved out of pumpkins.
its for being able to use jackolanterns when u giving a bich good s3x
You can make the words store, most, must, rust and mote out of the words customer. The longest word you can make is costume.
Jack-o-lanterns originated in Mexico for the night of the living dead celebration (Halloween) to keep away evil spirits.
post office
well most poets and song writers make up words just to make things rhyme.
Maid is the most obvious word you can make from mermaid. You can also make the words mire, mare, made, and aid.
The most visible words you can make are "tramp" and "line." Other words you can make of the letters in trampoline include ramp, peal, meal, pine, tine, and time.
You can make a lot of words out of consideration. It has the 8 most common letters in it. Some nice words you might include:AsteroidConsortiaConstrainDecisionDirectionsDisinterDisorientIncidentIndicatorsIronstoneNicotineOnanisticRedactionsOrdinanceSerotoninSenoritaTandooriSmaller words inside 'consideration', then here's some of them:consideronsiderationconssideeraionatona
There is no such formula since most of the possible permutations will not be words.