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It is the holy week.

Roman Catholic AnswerThe final week of Lent is actually only half a week starting on Passion Sunday and running the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday morning. Lent ends before the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, that Mass begins the shortest liturgical season of the year, know as the Triduum. It is Holy Thursday evening, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday up until full dark when the Easter Vigil begins the Easter Season.
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It is called Holy Week.

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Q: What is the final week of Lent?
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What days do holy week take place?

The days that Holy Week occurs during the week before Easter. Also known as the final week of lent, it begins on Palm Sunday and lasts through Holy Saturday.

Which week follows the first Sunday in lent?

The "First week of Lent" follows the "First Sunday" of Lent. --- Ember Week --- In the Roman Catholic ChurdThe term "Ember Week" fell out of use in the Catholic calendar after the first Vatican Council

What day of the week is the first day of lent?

The season of Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday.

How do you use the word lent in a sentence?

He observed Lent by giving up his biggest vice. The word lent is the past tense of lend. Richard lent me his car last week.

What Christian period is at the end of Lent?

Holy Week followed by the Easter Triduum come at the end of Lent.

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Vestments are purple at the start of Lent.

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Sundays are not included when counting the amount of days in Lent.

Forty week days preceding Easter?

They are called Lent.

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Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.

What is the last day you can eat rich goods before Lent?

Mardi gras, or Fat Tuesday, is the final celebration before Lent.

Is bacon allowed during Lent?

Yes it is allowed during Lent. All meat is allowed during Lent except during holy days or feast days which are Fridays, Ash Wednesday and for some who strictly follow the last week of Lent or Holy Week beginning Palm Sunday ending Good Friday before Easter.

What is Mardi Gras the final day of?

It is the final day of carnival, a thing right before Ash Wednesday and Lent.