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It is called the Eastern Schism, although it is not necessarily final, as it is still possible for unity to happen at some time in the future.

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Q: What is the final split in the church called?
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What was it called when the Christian church split?

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What was a period of religious change in Europe where the Roman Catholic Church was split?

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Throughout its history the Christian church has undergone two major splits:The first occurred in 1054 AD, in what is commonly called "The Great Schism" in which the church was split into the Eastern Orthodox and Western branches. The split came to be as a result of deteriorating relations, and theological disagreements between the Pope of Rome, and the Patriarch of Constantinople.The second split began in 1517 AD, but was not officially recognized until 1648. This split of the Catholic church occurred when Martin Luther posted his infamous "Ninety-five Theses" and Christians across Europe defected from the Catholic church, forming the Protestant branch of Christianity.

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