The Easter Exultant is sung at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. It is also called the Easter Proclamation because it tells the story of creation, Adam & Eve, all the way through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ...Our Savior, who's resurrection we celebrate at the Easter Vigil. The Exultant has two MOST IMPORTANT WORDS...Happy Fault!!!. This refers to the Garden of Eden and the fall of Adam & Eve for without this Happy Fault we would never have known Jesus as the Son of God coming to earth to give His life for our salvation.
It is not sung on Holy Saturday until the Easter Vigil Mass that evening;then it is sung after the reading of the Epistle
The Easter Vigil
No, but Easter is, so you can go to mass at the Vigil and have your Easter obligation fulfilled.
Water is used in the Easter Vigil to baptize the new members of the church.
Everywhere! That is why it is called a vigil.
The Easter Candle
The Night Watch of the Resurrection is Holy Saturday, otherwise known as Easter Vigil, which occurs the night before Easter Sunday.
Christ Be Our Light
April 8,2012
Easter Vigil
The Easter Triddum.
Which Vigil Mass? Every major solemnity has a Vigil Mass and communion is distributed at each one. Eg: Christmas Vigil, Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, Pentecost Vigil, etc.