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Banns should be read on three consecutive Sundays no more than three months before the date of the marriage

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Q: What is the earliest date before a wedding can the banns be read?
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Sending out save the date cards (or you could send it as an email to save money) means that your guests can make sure that their diaries are free to attend the wedding. This is particularly important for guests with children, or guests who have to travel to the wedding, particularly from overseas. The more notice you can give guests the better the chance of them being able to attend. Normally you would send save the date cards out 6 months before the wedding date, actual invitation 3 months before and your RSVP by date for one month before the wedding (or earlier if your venue requires final numbers more than a month before).

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The Wedding Date was created on 2004-05-16.

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The Wedding Date was released on 02/04/2005.

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