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During a year that is not a leap year it is April 10. For leap years it is April 9.

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Q: What is the date of the 100th day in the calendar year?
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What is the 100th day of the calendar starting with January 1st?

The 100th day of the year is April 10, on a normal calendar year, April 9 on a leap year.

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What date is 100th in a leap

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Saturday the 9th of April 2016.

What is the 100th day of the calendar year(start at January 1)?

Saturday the 9th of April 2016.

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Saturday the 9th of April 2016.

What is the hundredth day of the year?

April 10th is the 100th day of this year (2009). During leap years, however, the 100th day of those years will occur on April 9th. This type of information is obtained by consulting a Julian calendar - a calendar that shows, besides normal information, the number of days which have elapsed (and usually also how many are remaining) in the current year.

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The 9th of April was the 100th day of the year 2000.

What is the 100th day of the calender starting with January 1st?

10th April, 2022 ... It is the 100th Day of Calendar Year starting from 1st January.

What is the date of the 100th day in the year?

During a year that is not a leap year it is April 10. For leap years it is April 9.

What day this year will be the 100th day 2012?

The 100th day of the year 2012 is April 9th (because of a leap year).

How do find the day when given the particular date and year?

look on a calendar

How is calendar useful?

A calendar is useful becasue it tells the reader which date it is. It also tells you what day a certain date falls on every year.