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The correct way to wear a poppy is to pin it to the left collar area. If the article of clothing being worn does not have a collar, it should be worn on the left lapel area.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Preferably on the left (lapel) side. However, many women will wear it on the right, which is also correct etiquette.

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12y ago

The leaf should point to 11 o'clock.

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14y ago

Over your heart.

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Q: What is the correct side to wear a poppy?
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What side do you wear a poppy for anzac day?

You wear the poppy on the left side ONLY

What side of your chest should you wear the poppy?

Wear your poppy on the left (above the heart) xoxo

What side should you wear a poppy on in the UK?

left, on your watch hand. The correct way actually is left hand side for men, as this is wear they would wear their medals, and right hand side for women as this is where they would wear their husbands medals if he died!

What side do wear poppy?

The accepted side to wear a poppy is the left, as practiced by Canadian Military, however, it is not considered offensive to wear a poppy anywhere else on your body. The fact you are wearing one is what counts. Lest we forget. Male or female...left or right handed...the poppy must be worn on left in above the heart.

Which is the correct side for a woman to wear a poppy - on the left as does the Queen or on the right as do some female TV news readers?

The poppy is worn above the heart which would be the left side. Some service people wear it on the left side of their tams or hats. It always should be on the left side over the heart to respect those that have fought in wars previous and present and even those that made it home. It's an honor!

Which side do you wear your poppy on left or right?

right for the man, left for the woman, with the leaf pointing to 11oclock.

Where to wear poppy's on a military uniform?

When I was serving in the Army we used to wear our poppy behind the cap badge

What do Canadian's do on Veteran's day?

We wear a poppy . And wear it it with pride

How long should people wear a poppy?

you should be able to wear a fresh live poppy for two days before they start wilting, if you are talking about the plastic poppy for the holiday you can wear it on the celibration day, put it on the grail of your car, put it on hats, coats, wreaths ......

Why is it disrespectful to wear your poppy on your hat on remembrance day?

its not

Where did oliver cromwell stay in baarnard caastle?

i think he stayed in valentines if that is correct :) poppy

Why do British men wear scarlet pimpernels on their lapels?

It's a poppy