The next year with the same calendar as 2011 will be 2022. Both 2011 and 2022 share the same days of the week for each date.
January 1, 2011 was a Saturday. Counting from the 2nd, the start of the 30th week was July 24th.
It was week 18.
Saturday (just check my calendar)
The thirtieth week of calendar year 2011 starts on Monday July 25 and ends on Sunday July 31.
Week calendar is a calendar displaying one week in a template.
The date of London Fashion Week for 2011 is from the 16th to the 20th of September.
According to their online Academic Calendar, it begins on Monday, February 21, 2011.
Take ANY Thursday in 2011, note the day and month, and look on a calendar for 8 years earlier, for the same day of the year. Or use Excel date formulae to give you the corresponding day of the week.
Nope... Every date in the calendar eventually falls on every day of the week.
New Year's Day is on whatever day of the week has a calendar date of January 1st.