i Calender on 15th August, 1947
17 Sraban 1376 in the Bengali calendar corresponds to August 2, 1969 in the Gregorian calendar.
1 Bhadrô 1387
The Bengali calendar date equivalent of the 30th of June, 1935 is 16 Ashar 1342.
27 baishakh1359
30 Agrahayan 1390.
Thursday, 27 Ramadan 1366 AH.
The Bengali zodiac sign for a person born on the English date 25th August 2011 at 12:16 PM would be Leo (Singho) in the Bengali calendar.
what is english calender date of bengali 13th agrahayana 1369
September 7, 1989 on the English calendar is 23 Bhadra 1396 on the Bengali calendar. This date falls on a Thursday.
11 February 1980
5 Ashar 1379.