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If one lives within a fairly close proximity of a theme park designed for children, then visiting the park would be great fun for the family. For some other kids, a sleep-over at a friend's house is fun.

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Q: What is something fun to do on a holiday night?
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Same like in other places-Christmas, Easter... We have birthday for our country in 18th of November, it`s holiday. Then we have holidays in 1st and 4th of may. Most funniest holiday is Jāņi, the longest day and shortest night in year. It`s 23rd/24th of June. The point is to wait for sunshine in next day. In the night there's a lot of fun :)

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A holiday centre is somewere were you go and have fun like butins haven or abroud !

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of course they is its a fun holiday park

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i just have fun and do what the tradition of the holiday is.

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to have fun on their holiday

Holiday greetings in all languages?

go here: -> holiday greetings in 145 languagesHave fun!Rose