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If You Are A Crafty Person- Get around six kebab sticks and some red construction paper. Cut the red construction paper into six hearts and tape them on the kebab sticks. These are now "Cupids Arrows". Write on one of the hearts I, then on another one write Love, then You, then your boyfriends name, then from, then your name.

If he is a sports person- Invite him to his teams game then give him a gift basket with a bunch of team stuff

Other Ideas- A CD of all of your favorite songs

A scrapbook of all your photos together (be creative!)

A picnic with all of his favorite foods

A map of where all your previous dates were and add an X marking the spot where you will have prepared a dinner for him

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To be honest, it shouldn't matter what is given to him, all that matters is the two love each other or at least have feelings for each other enough to last for some time if not forever, it's the thought that counts.

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Q: What is a good Valentine's Day gift for your boyfriend?
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