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Chocolate-dipped strawberries

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Q: What is a gift idea to give to a boy after a performance?
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What do you get a boy you dont know well for his birthday?

Here are several gift idea to give a boy you don't know well: Buy gift certificates to the movie theater. If he likes sports then give him a gift certificate for a store he may shop at. If he is into computers then get him a gift certificate to a computer store. It is wiser to give gift certificates (whatever you can afford) and let him pick out what he wants.

Electronic gift idea -Christmas gift for 10 year old boy?

A Wii.

Name a perfect gift for a boy baby shower?

Diapers are always an essential gift for any boy/girl because it's a gender neutral gift. A baby blanket with the boy's name on it is also another good idea.

Can a girl give a boy a valentine gift signing her name if she knows him casually?

You can give a gift to anyone you like. It doesn't obligate them, or you, to anything, it's just a gift. There's nothing magical about it.

Give you a sentence using the word contemplative?

It was very contemplative for the boy to give his sister a gift for her birthday.

What is the best birthday gift to give for a 1 year old boy?

A poo!

What is a good gift for a 15 year old boy?

if i had a 15 year old boy i would give him a phone or a labtop

What's a good gift to give a 2 year old boy?

The best gift is a little game that makes some sounds

Are Star Wars figures a good gift for a boy?

Star Wars figures are a good gift for a boy. You could also give them the DVDs so that they can further enjoy Star Wars.

Can I give a gift basket to a 10 year old boy?

A 10 year old boy would love a gift basket, especially a theme one like pokemon and spongebob.

What is the most fashion gift?

I found a new robot which can be used in swimming pool,and I hope buy one as a gift to give my boy friend.What do you think about the gift? Cool,isn't it?

What are good gift bags to give at a teen boy girl party?

A good gift idea for a teen boy - girl party would be...You could make separate bags, one for boys and one for girls. You could put in some cheapish makeup and jewelery in the girls (as long as it's cute and nice) and stuff like flarp or things like that in the boys.