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Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.

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Q: What is Lent week during Palm Sunday?
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Is palm Sunday part of the holy week?

No is part of lent as a catholic

Is bacon allowed during Lent?

Yes it is allowed during Lent. All meat is allowed during Lent except during holy days or feast days which are Fridays, Ash Wednesday and for some who strictly follow the last week of Lent or Holy Week beginning Palm Sunday ending Good Friday before Easter.

Catholic Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday are celebrated together when were the celebrated separately?

They were separate ( Passion Sunday on the 5th week of Lent and Palm Sunday the following week) until 1970 when Pope Paul VI changed it to the one Sunday of Holy Week.

Does Lent end on palm Sunday or on Easter?

Yes, Lent ends on Holy Thursday and the Easter Triduum begins.

What days do holy week take place?

The days that Holy Week occurs during the week before Easter. Also known as the final week of lent, it begins on Palm Sunday and lasts through Holy Saturday.

What is the week?

Holy Week is the last week of Lent leading to Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday signals the start of holy week with the celebration of the blessing of the palms. In the Philippines, there are different traditions to celebrate the holy week particularly Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Angono is known for its special traditions during holy week

Why 47 days of Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday if only 40 days of lent?

Lent is in remembrance of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert prior to his death. He went to the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, and then came back to the city on Palm Sunday. From Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday is 40 days. The remaining 7 is in regards to the week before Easter; Holy Week.

Do Catholics bury their dead during Lent?

Yes, Catholics bury their dead during Lent except during Holy Week after Holy Thursday until after Easter Sunday.

Is Easter after Palm Sunday?

Yes, Palm Sunday is the week before Easter.

Is Easter week holy week?

No. The week before Easter Sunday (from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday) is called Holy Week. It is also the last week of the 40 day period of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Officially, Easter Week is the week that begins on Easter Sunday. There are also 40 days in the period of Easter, beginning on Easter Sunday, which is actually only the First Sunday of Easter.

Which week follows the first Sunday in lent?

The "First week of Lent" follows the "First Sunday" of Lent. --- Ember Week --- In the Roman Catholic ChurdThe term "Ember Week" fell out of use in the Catholic calendar after the first Vatican Council

When is plam Sunday held?

The sixth and last Sunday of Lent and beginning of Holy Week