It could well be good thursday. It is also known as holy thursday.
On Maundy Thursday the queen gives out the Maundy Penny
Thursday before Easter is known as Maundy Thursday in the Christian calendar.In some churches, it is also known as Holy Thursday. It is recognised as the day when Jesus administered the Eucharist to his apostles and washed their feet.
It has come to be known as Maundy Thursday.
Maundy Thursday 2012 was on Thursday, April 5.
Maundy Thursday 1969 was on Thursday, April 3.
Maundy Thursday in 2009 was April 9, 2009.
On maundy Thursday christianseat unlevened bread and attend survive , with comunion.
Other names for Holy Thursday are: Maundy Thursday Clean Thursday, Great Thursday, Green Thursday,Holy and Great Thursday, Red Thursday, Sharp Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Shrift Thursday, Thursday of the Mystical Supper.
Maundy Thursday
April 9th Thursday
In some Maundy Thursdays they are.
The word 'Maundy' derives in English from the Latain 'mandatum' which means ceremony.The Thursday of Holy Week is therefore named Maundy Thursday because it is considered the anniversary of the institution of the (mandatum novum or new commandment - "do this in memory of me") Eucharist ceremony by Jesus at the Last Supper.