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A lot of atheists unknowingly celebrate Krismas in December. The concept of the giving, and sharing on Christmas, and the good memories associated with it still give atheists a strong tie to the holiday without the mythological backdrop of Jesus' birth.


If by celebrate you mean get together with family and friends for food, drink, conversation and a generally good time without the repressive overtones of a religious event, then a few of the events we celebrate are:

  • Christmas
  • Yule
  • The Winter Solstice
  • Kwanza
  • Chanukah/Hanukkah
  • Office parties
  • New Year's Eve
  • Saturnalia
  • Festivus

Answer2: Christmas supposedly commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, and nearly every religion that claims to be Christian celebrates it. Yet, there is no evidence that the first-century disciples of Jesus observed such a holiday. The book Sacred Origins of Profound Things states: "For two centuries after Christ's birth, no one knew, and few people cared, exactly when he was born." For this reason if a person loves gift giving and fond memories this can be done any time during the whole year.

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Out of respect and conformity. Most Atheists don't try to convert people into atheists - they just want to be respected and for the world to know that they exist and shouldn't be disrespected. To show respect for others' holiday, we say Merry Christmas and truly wish people who do celebrate it have a joyous day of Dec. 25th.

What do atheists celebrate?

Since an atheist is only the position of unacceptance of god claims, they would celebrate like anyone else, such as cookouts, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and even Christmas since the holiday is not strictly based on any Christian dogma