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Not sure about Diwali,but this used to happen on evaery pooja at my home whe nmy so called wife used to do...this happened for 2 year on every pooja and on 3rd year my wife flew and filed divorce and false criminal cases on me.

I feel this is inauspicious and happens when such Bad Girl pefroms the pooja.]


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Q: What happened when automatically coconut broken over kalash in home puja ghar on Diwali?
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What if when the coconut broken v get a flower from inside?

Coconut does not contain any flower When broken one can get coconut water which is mostly sweet and coconut kernel. Do ot expect to find any flower when you break open a coconut!! In the event a flower is found inside the coconut, then the coconut has been tampered with and the flower has been inserted!

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