You need to look the store up on their website or call them or drive by or ask a friend.
Layton, Utah is located in Davis County, Utah.
Macey's Food & Drug stores are located primarily in the state of Utah. Maceys grocery stores are open 24 hours a day, however they are all closed on Sunday.
If you are living in Layton, Utah then you are living in the Northern hemisphere, and the Western Hemisphere.
The web address of the Layton Heritage Museum is:
Stores exist to make a profit, on just about every street in the city! There is a grocery store in Midway, Utah named "The Store"- near Salt Lake City, Utah.
The address of the Layton Heritage Museum is: 403 North Wasatch Drive, Layton, UT 84041
The phone number of the Layton Heritage Museum is: 801-546-3524.
2_3 hrs
Deborah Layton was born on February 7, 1953, in Tooele, Utah, USA.
The distance in Utah from Salt Lake City to Layton is 24 miles. That equals 39 kilometers or 24 minutes in driving time.