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Father Christmas gives mrs beaver a sowing machine

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Q: What gifts does Father Christmas give to Mrs Beaver?
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What did Father Christmas give as a gift to Mr Beaver?

Father Christmas gave Mr. Beaver a new dam building kit as a gift.

Does China give gifts at Christmas?

No, China does not give gifts at Christmas. This is because Christmas Day is not an official holiday in China.

Give at least 3 names for the person who comes on Christmas Eve and brings gifts?

Father Christmas, Santa Claus and St Nicholas

What gifts did Father Christmas give to Lucy Peter Susan in Narnia?

A little pack of butter grits. Unk johnny

Which are the holidays other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Mother's day, Father's day, Easter and birthdays.

Why is Christmas the best day?

christmas is the best day because it is the birth of our father and santa clause wll give us some gifts and that's why christmas is tha best day

What are the holidays other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Which are the holidays, other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

Do Cubans give gifts on Christmas?


Why Do you Wraps Gifts?

It is always fun to give a surprise. That is why we wrap the Christmas gifts.

Why do we give and receive gifts in Christmas?

i think it is a way to give thanks

When do the families give gifts on Christmas?

On Christmas eve or Christmas Day. Whatever is your families tradition