Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
No. February 1966 was a month. It had 28 days, as 1966 was not a leap year.
28 days in February when it's not a leap year.
There are 2,505,600 seconds in February in a leap year.
February 29 is the date of leap year.
February's month is the second of the year.
There is one month of February in every year, whether it is a leap year or not. The difference is not the month, it is the number of days in the month of February: 28 days in normal years, 29 days in leap years.
February is the shortest month of the year with 28 days, and 29 days during a leap year.
March has 31 days every year, and does not change in a leap year. February is the only month that changes, adding the 366th leap day as February 29.