because it is called the wedding ring finger. i think
The answer is in the question. Wedding ring is closest the hand and therefore closest the heart
left and next to pinky finger
you wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get married.
If it's on the left, you're married. If a woman wears what's obviously a wedding ring on her *right* ring finger, it can mean she's widowed.
The finger people wear their wedding ring on.To me its the commitment finger.[ The one next to the pinky finger,on the right hand]
When divorced the woman can either keep her engagement ring and wedding ring on the same finger or switch them to the right hand or not wear them at all. Most men who have wedding bands just don't wear them.
* Generally an Eternity Ring is worn on another finger where it is on it's own and shows up more than crowded in with an engagement ring and wedding band, but there are no rules that you can't wear it on your wedding band finger and it should go below the wedding band and engagement ring.
it's called your ring finger
erm maybe it doesnt fit the other finger propperly
Finger next to the middle finger Because it was believed that the vein from that finger ran directly to the heart.
Wedding Ring..You keep it closer to your heart.